How To

How to Print Contacts from Android Phone

In this digital age, we rely heavily on our smartphones for storing important contact information.

However, there may be instances when you need a physical copy of your contacts, whether it’s for backup purposes, sharing with others, or simply for convenience.

Printing contacts from your Android phone may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a straightforward process.

In this article, we will guide you through various methods to print contacts from your Android phone, ensuring you have a hard copy of your essential contact information.

Importance of Printing Contacts

Printing contacts from your Android phone offers several benefits. Firstly, having a physical copy serves as a backup in case of unexpected data loss or device failure.

Additionally, it allows you to easily share contact information with others, especially in situations where digital access is limited.

Moreover, having a hard copy can be helpful if you prefer a tangible reference, especially for those who find it easier to browse through paper documents.

Now, let’s explore the different methods you can use to print your contacts from an Android phone.

Print Contacts from Android Phone

The built-in contacts app on your Android phone provides a convenient way to print contacts without the need for any third-party applications.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open the Contacts app on your Android phone.
  • Navigate to the contact list and select the contacts you want to print.
  • Tap on the menu button (usually represented by three dots or lines) and choose the “Print” option.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to customize the print settings, such as paper size, orientation, and number of copies.
  • Connect your Android phone to a compatible printer, either wirelessly or via a USB cable.
  • Once connected, select the printer and initiate the printing process.

Exporting Contacts to a VCF File

Another method to print contacts from your Android phone involves exporting your contacts to a VCF (Virtual Contact File) format, which can then be printed from a computer.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open the Contacts app on your Android phone.
  • Tap on the menu button and select the “Import/Export” or “Share” option.
  • Choose the “Export to VCF file” or similar option.
  • Select the contacts you want to export or choose the option to export all contacts.
  • Save the VCF file to your desired location, such as the internal storage or an SD card.
  • Transfer the VCF file to your computer using a USB cable or any other preferred method.
  • Open the VCF file on your computer using a compatible application, such as Microsoft Outlook or Google Contacts.
  • Customize the print settings based on your preferences and print the contacts.

How to Print Contacts from Android Phone

Using Third-Party Apps

If the above methods don’t meet your requirements or if you prefer more advanced options, you can explore various third-party apps available on the Google Play Store.

These apps offer additional features and flexibility when it comes to printing contacts from your Android phone.

Here are a few popular options:

  • Contacts+ (link to app): This app allows you to print contacts directly from your Android phone and offers various customization options for printing.
  • My Contacts Backup (link to app): With this app, you can export your contacts to a VCF file and print them using your computer or compatible printing services.
  • Contact Printer (link to app): This app provides a simple and intuitive interface to print your contacts directly from your Android phone.

Step-by-Step Guide: Printing Contacts from Android Phone

Now, let’s delve into a detailed step-by-step guide for each method discussed above to ensure you have a clear understanding of the process.

Step 1: Using Built-in Contacts App

  • Open the Contacts app on your Android phone.
  • Navigate to the contact list and select the contacts you want to print.
  • Tap on the menu button (usually represented by three dots or lines) and choose the “Print” option.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to customize the print settings, such as paper size, orientation, and number of copies.
  • Connect your Android phone to a compatible printer, either wirelessly or via a USB cable.
  • Once connected, select the printer and initiate the printing process.

Step 2: Exporting Contacts to a VCF File

  • Open the Contacts app on your Android phone.
  • Tap on the menu button and select the “Import/Export” or “Share” option.
  • Choose the “Export to VCF file” or similar option.
  • Select the contacts you want to export or choose the option to export all contacts.
  • Save the VCF file to your desired location, such as the internal storage or an SD card.
  • Transfer the VCF file to your computer using a USB cable or any other preferred method.
  • Open the VCF file on your computer using a compatible application, such as Microsoft Outlook or Google Contacts.
  • Customize the print settings based on your preferences and print the contacts.

Step 3: Using Third-Party Apps

  • Explore the Google Play Store and choose a suitable third-party app for printing contacts from your Android phone.
  • Download and install the selected app on your Android phone.
  • Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to grant necessary permissions.
  • Depending on the app’s features, select the contacts you want to print or choose the option to print all contacts.
  • Customize the print settings according to your preferences, such as layout, font size, and paper size.
  • Connect your Android phone to a compatible printer, either wirelessly or via a USB cable.
  • Once connected, select the printer and initiate the printing process through the app.

Tips for Successful Printing

To ensure a successful printing experience and achieve optimal results,

consider the following tips:

  • Review the print settings before initiating the printing process to avoid unnecessary wastage or errors.
  • Ensure the printer you are using is compatible with your Android phone and supports the desired print options.
  • Verify the print quality and adjust settings if necessary to maintain readability.
  • Regularly update the contacts on your Android phone to ensure the printed version remains accurate and up to date.
  • Keep the printed copies in a safe and organized manner for easy access and future reference.

Printing contacts from your Android phone can be a valuable practice, providing a physical backup and convenient sharing options.

In this article, we explored three different methods: using the built-in contacts app, exporting contacts to a VCF file, and utilizing third-party apps.

By following the step-by-step guides and considering the provided tips, you can successfully print your contacts and have a tangible copy of your essential contact information.


Q: Can I print contacts directly from my Android phone without any additional apps?

A: Yes, the built-in contacts app on Android phones often provides a printing option without the need for extra apps.

Q: What is a VCF file, and why is it used for printing contacts?

A: A VCF (Virtual Contact File) is a standard file format used to store contact information. Exporting contacts to a VCF file allows for easy transfer and printing from other devices or applications.

Q: Are there any limitations when printing contacts from an Android phone?

A: The printing capabilities may vary depending on your Android phone model, the printer used, and the printing method selected. It’s advisable to check compatibility and available features beforehand.

Q: Can I print only specific contacts rather than the entire contact list?

A: Yes, most printing methods and apps allow you to select specific contacts for printing, ensuring you have control over the information you print.

Q: Are there any alternative methods for printing contacts from an Android phone?

A: Apart from the methods mentioned in this article, you can also explore other third-party apps or consider syncing your contacts with a computer and printing from there.

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